Information Technology Center will upgrade University ID cards to new cards with 4K capacity, enhancing security and functionality. All University IDs will have the same design as the students' IDs released in the 2022 academic year. The card design is derived from our NTNU University Identity System. By closely working with the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Human Resources, we plan to fully implement the new card functions on March 1, 2024. New University ID cards will provide a more convenient and modern campus experience.
校園內使用eduroam無線網路上網,不僅在臺師大校園可以無線漫遊,亦可延伸使用國立臺灣大學系統甚至國內、外各參與eduroam的教育單位之無線網路服務喔! 詳全文
Using the eduroam wireless network on campus not only facilitates wireless roaming within the NTNU campus but also extends to access the National Taiwan University system and the wireless network services of educational institutions participating in eduroam domestically and internationally!
為提升招生報名效率,全新的招生考試審查資料上傳系統能讓考生在報名的過程中,輕鬆地透過線上完成備審資料上傳、檢視、補件等功能,有效降低漏件風險,並方便考生隨時追蹤申請狀態。 詳全文
The Information Technology Center introduced a new online application system to improve the applicants' experience of the document submission process. Applicants can upload, view, and update their materials and track their applications' status online at any time.
資訊中心舉辦「NTNU University AWSome Day」活動,透過本次活動同學將更深入了解Amazon Web Services(AWS)的主要服務以及相關應用,也能輕鬆學習如何在 AWS 平台自動化部署 IT 服務,全程參與培訓更可獲得由 AWS Educate 頒發的雲端及優先獲取「臺灣生成式 AI 黑客松競賽 」報名資格,活動時程及報名資訊詳見最新消息。 詳全文
The Information Technology Center (ITC) will host the "NTNU University AWSome Day". The event aims to give participants a comprehensive understanding of Amazon Web Services (AWS) services and applications. Participants will learn how to develop IT services on the AWS platform. Attendees will receive a Certificate from AWS Educate and gain priority registration for the "Taiwan Generative AI Hackathon." For schedule and registration details, please check the “News” page on the ITC website. We look forward to meeting you at the event!
資訊中心舉辦「AI與Microsoft 365您的EMI課程助教」工作坊,歡迎報名參加。工作坊謹訂於2024年3月27日在和平校區Ⅱ召開,有關工作坊資訊及報名資訊詳見最新消息。 詳全文
The Information Technology Center (ITC) will host the "AI and Microsoft 365: Your EMI Course Assistant" workshop. Registration is now open. The workshop is scheduled to be held at Heping Campus II on March 27, 2024. For workshop details and registration information, please check the "News" page on the ITC website.
校園網路連外以及跨校間頻寬自2024年起大幅提升,有助於提升教學品質和行政效率。 詳全文
Since 2024, the bandwidth of the external and inter-campus connections has been significantly increased to provide a better network environment for teaching and administration.
您是否想要在學習之餘,增加一些實務經驗和收入呢? 資訊中心官網工讀生招募專區上線囉,讓您可以方便地應徵我們的工讀職缺。職缺涵蓋了多個資訊領域,您可以在我們的網站上查看各類型工讀職缺。 詳全文
Would you like to gain some work experience and earn income while studying? Information Technology Center's official website introduced a new recruitment section to recruit students for on-campus part-time jobs. Students can conveniently explore and apply for part-time positions on our website. Students can learn different information technology skills from these positions.
近來知名遠端桌面軟體AnyDesk遭駭客入侵竊取大量用戶帳密資料,請加強個人電腦安全管控! 詳全文
Recently, the widely-used remote desktop software "AnyDesk" experienced a security breach, leading to increased risk unauthorized access and the leakage of user account information. Please ensure the best protection for your computer.