Google公司提供之「雲端應用服務教育版」,使用者須遵守Google相關政策及服務條款。而本校應屆畢業生之帳號於畢業一年後刪除;除應屆畢業生外,其餘帳號於停用三個月後刪除。帳號一旦刪除,其所屬資料亦將一併刪除。因使用者資料係由Google 公司保管及維護,本校並未進行任何資料備份與保存,無法協助復原被刪除之資料。敬請關注「Google雲端應用服務教育版使用規範」修訂公告。詳全文
For “G Suite for Education” provided by Google, users must abide by Google's policies and terms of service. The accounts for graduates will be deleted one year after graduation. The accounts for others will be deleted after three months of suspension. Once the account is deleted, the data will also be deleted. Since user data is kept and maintained by Google, NTNU does not have any backup and cannot assist in the recovery of deleted data. Please pay attention to the revision announcement for the user policy of "G Suite for Education".
本校於疫情期間,微軟授權teams軟體是遠距教學應用工具之一,因此多數老師對於Teams操作頗為熟悉。為方便教師在實體教室上課時,亦能兼顧到染疫隔離的學生同步上線參與學習,於111學年本中心在電腦教室安裝teams軟體,老師採用「桌面分享」功能即可取代教室的軟體廣播。有關teams軟體使用,敬請參閱網路大學。 詳全文
During the pandemic, Microsoft authorized Teams as one of the remote teaching tools, so most teachers are quite familiar with Teams. Therefore, Teams has been installed in the computer classrooms for teachers to teach physically and online simultaneously when there are confirmed cases in the class. Teacher can also adopt screen sharing instead of broadcaster software. For the guideline of Teams, please refer to Online University.
本校尊重智慧財產權,宣導法治觀念,於98年訂定「校園電腦使用軟體管理要點」,嚴禁校園電腦(列屬學校財產之公共空間使用及個人使用電腦)設備上安裝非法軟體(含未授權音樂、電影)。據此,各單位應遵守管理要點執行業務,並警惕同仁及學生遵守智慧財產權等相關法令,切勿以身試法。 詳全文
Due to the intellectual property and the rule of law, "Campus computer software usage guideline" has been established for strictly prohibiting the installation of illegal software on campus computers. Accordingly, all departments must abide by the regulations to carry out business, and remind colleagues and students to abide by relevant laws such as intellectual property rights, and do not break the law.
號外!號外!GPhone (iOS和Android)App,預計年初釋出,屆時全校同仁可透過Apple Store / Google Play下載安裝。安裝網路電話行動版App,不僅便於隨時隨地用手機撥打校內外電話,且來電時與手機與桌機同步響鈴便於接聽;亦提供校內通訊錄以利查詢校內分機。 詳全文
Breaking news! The GPhone(iOS / Android) app is expected to be released at the beginning of the year, and all the school members can download and install it through the Apple Store/Google Play. GPhone is not only convenient to make calls anytime and anywhere, but also rings synchronously with the mobile phone and desktop for incoming calls. There is also an on-campus address book for the inquiry of on-campus extensions.
師大APP將「校園緊急聯絡電話」置於版面顯眼位置,以利通報緊急事件時,快速找到圖示發出通知。當遇見緊急狀況即可打開師大APP,使用有專人24小時值班接聽的緊急聯絡電話。 詳全文
The "University Emergency", with a dedicated person on duty 24 hours a day, is shown on the page of NTNU app, so that when there is an emergency, one can quickly find the icon and send a notification.
配合本校國際化發展政策,資訊系統雙語化作業逐一完成,陸續上線的有學生輔導系統、畢業離校系統、休學離校系統、通訊錄系統、健康檢查補助申請系統、教學助理工作時數登載系統等等。 詳全文
In line with the school's international development policy, the bilingualization of the information systems for student counselling, school leaving, suspension, address book, application of physical examination subsidy, and teaching assistant working hour records have been completed.