Google 將於今年7月起限縮全校用戶共同使用 100TB 儲存空間,學校議決因應措施為全校(含退休)教職員生 G Suite 帳戶限10GB儲存空間,並終止校友的 G Suite 帳戶服務(仍保有學校提供的「」電子郵件帳號並維持終身有效)。 詳全文
Google has announced a storage policy that provides schools and universities with a baseline of 100 TB of pooled storage shared across all users starting in July this year. The school has decided to limit the storage space of G Suite accounts to 10GB for the (including retired) staff and students, and terminate the G Suite account service for the alumnus (the "" email account is permanently valid).
本中心推出LINE智慧諮詢服務,採用LINE社群軟體開發行動版諮詢功能,師生將想提問的問題輸入,在聊天室版面可以即時獲得問題的回答。另外,資訊中心LINE版不時推播資訊,有助於師生獲取動態消息。 詳全文
The center has launched a consultation service, which has been developed by the LINE community software. Teachers and students can enter the questions they want to ask, and they can get instant answers to the questions in a chat room. In addition, the push notification in the LINE of the information center helps teachers and students to receive news feed.
若辦公室及實驗室欲加裝無線基地台(無線IP分享器),將有線網路轉換成無線訊號的網路,請先參考本中心撰寫的「辦公室(實驗室)無線IP分享器選用建議及安裝注意事項」,以降低自購或裝設不當產生網路品質不穩的問題。 詳全文
For installing an wireless access point (wireless router) in the office and laboratory by converting campus wired network to wireless network, please refer to the “Installation Precautions for the recommended wireless router" to avoid the problem of unstable internet connection caused by improper installations.
華碩(ASUS)無線基地台被發現有重大資安漏洞,已被駭客鎖定攻擊。各單位自行建置的ASUS無線基地台,須加強安全管控以防入侵,影響版本詳見公告。 詳全文
Major security vulnerabilities of ASUS Wireless Access Point has been discovered, which have been targeted and exploited by hackers. The ASUS Wireless Access Points that have been set up in each department must enhance the security control. Please refer to the announcement for the affected version.
在學校實施遠距教學時期,常有師生反映說「校外下載軟體很慢」。如果師生有遇到這種情況,建議先檢查個人電腦是否已登出VPN,因為「軟體下載」及「雲端虛擬桌面」的服務,只要輸入校務行政入口網的帳號密碼即可取得,切勿連著VPN下載。 詳全文
During the distance learning, teachers and students often complaint about slow off-campus download speeds. It is recommended to make sure that personal computer has been logged out of the VPN, because the software service and virtual desktop infrastructure can be accessed by simply entering the account name and password. Please refrain from downloading large files through the VPN connection.
本校公版投票系統提供全校師生舉行各類選舉及活動進行線上投票,新增師生及系所需求功能,校務行政入口網及校務行政App皆可點選使用。 詳全文
The public votes system with new functions is provided for teachers and students to administer online voting. The system can be found and launched in iPortal and NTNU APP.
配合本校智慧校園建設與多元支付機制,本中心完成線上成績單申請系統新增Line Pay付款項目。考量防疫期間的安全性和便利性,學生可透過Line Pay支付款項,歡迎大家多加使用。 詳全文
With the Smart Campus Initiatives, LINE Pay has been added to the online transcript application system. E-payment is more convenient and safer during the epidemic period.