三校區電腦教室提供印表漫遊及影印、免費掃描等服務,在任何地方(不限校園內)透過手機或電腦遠端email送件,可至任一校區電腦教室窗口印表機處取件,亦提供多元支付方式(悠遊卡、一卡通、LINE Pay等等),取件方便又計價低廉,費用為便利商店的二分之一。 詳全文
"Remote print service" and free scanning are offered on campus. Documents for printing can be sent via a cellphone or computer from anywhere, and copies can be picked up on campus. Multiple payment methods such as EasyCard, iPass, and LINE Pay are accepted. The cost is about 50% of the same services at convenient stores.
校園授權軟體全面上線,師生可於雲端彈性選用,目前正推出學生個人桌面,配合使用者習慣儲存檔案於個人雲端空間,檔案隨選隨用。 詳全文
All teachers and students can now use the virtual desktop to save and retrieve their documents on the campus cloud to use the software with more flexibility.
資訊中心採用開源碼網站軟體,開發學術單位官網公版版型,提供學術單位申請免費使用,不再受限於廠商產品的獨家壟斷,並陸續開設培訓課程,提升各單位同仁職能。自108年推出至今,本校9個學院已有7個學院採用上線,截至109年底,逾6成系所(含學位班)採用並陸續上線。 詳申請方式
The ITC adopts open source technology and offers official website template for academic departments. We also provides training for novice staff members. So far, seven out of the nine colleges and more than 60% of the departments have committed to use it.
校本部及公館校區宿舍無線網路新增「寢室號碼」連線方式,並整合eduroam漫遊認證機制。 詳全文
Students living in the dormitory area can utilize wireless network according to their room number with their own "eduroam" account credential.
自2022年7月起,Google僅提供各大學100TB的集區儲存空間,供所有使用者共同使用。建議本校G Suite用戶備份現有帳戶內的資料及調降使用空間。 詳全文
Google will only provide a storage of 100TB for each university by July 2022. G Suite users are recommended to reduce the storage usage and back up important data.
「教師教學獎勵選薦申請系統」業已開發完成,提供教師上網申請教學獎勵填報及上傳申請文件,亦方便查詢進度及歷次申請紀錄。系統上線不僅簡化紙本審核流程,且提升行政效率。 詳全文
A system for teaching awards application has been created. Instructors can apply and upload documents online. All the application records and processes can also be verified online. The system simplifies paper works and enhances administration efficiency.
預約電腦教室除了點閱官網,亦可用手機開啟NTNU APP進行查詢時段提出申請。申請完成、核准繳費、不予核可、取消申請等各個階段,系統寄送通知至電子郵件信箱,亦歡迎上網查詢申請單狀態及電腦教室預約現況。 詳全文
Not only from the official website, a reservation for PC rooms can also be completed by NTNU APP. Results for the application will be delivered by emails. The update of the reservation can be checked online.