請注意!! 2020年起微軟校園授權不再提供畢業生使用。 快行動!! 在校生於年底前取得微軟授權,畢業後始得延用。在校生登入微軟公司Academic軟體下載中心( 網址: http://ntnu.onthehub.com) 下載Windows或Office授權使用,日後無需定期經由網路認證,且畢業後仍可延用。 詳全文
Attention!! The software service will be unavailable for the graduates by 2020. Action!! Students can obtain an access and download the software from Microsoft before the end of 2019 for continuing use without regular online authentications.
國家發展委員會函示明(109)年公文系統的附件可編輯檔案,需全面採用開放文件格式(ODF),並列入政府機關重要績效指標。將陸續安排如何製作ODF檔案的課程,以利各單位同仁處理公文。 詳全文
The National Development Council has announced that all editable attachments on the system for offical documents must be Open Document Format (ODF), which will also be listed as one of the key performance indicators for government institutions, in 2020. A curriculum for creating ODF documents will be offered for staff.
網路電話行動App「Q Call」整合手機個人電話簿,撥打外線不需加前置碼,使用功能如同把辦公室電話桌機隨身,無論快速查詢、撥打校內分機、外線,均非常方便。12月又推出校內分機同步振鈴功能,讓公務電話不漏接,以及勿擾模式,提供使用者依情境需求作切換。
The APP "Q call" integrates personal phonebook in the cellphone. Prefixes are not required when making off-campus calls. The APP functions as a portable office telephone. A new function of simultaneous ring and a new mode of do not disturb have been added to the APP, so users will not miss important calls and can adjust the mode based on their situations.
Any transfer of sensitive information or passwords on each department website is required to be done through HTTPS in order to enhance the security. Chrome will block contents that are downloaded from http on websites with HTTPS, so please check to see if each department website works properly for users to explore.
釣魚郵件是有心人士利用假冒的身分,製造虛假急迫的情境,騙取個人帳號、密碼或卡號等機敏資料。提醒師生同仁,資訊中心絕不會發信要求用戶提供帳號密碼。常有假冒學校名義(NTNU Webmail)散發的系統通知郵件,意圖誘騙收件者提供帳號密碼,請直接刪除切勿開啟。 詳全文
A phishing email is an email that looks legitimate and asks for sensitive information. Please be aware that the Information Technology Center will not email users for asking their accounts and passwords. Please just delete and do not open it.
本中心完成學生語言能力成績管理系統,提供同學們登入校務行政入口網/教務資訊系統/技能檢定相關的選項頁面,輸入校外外語檢定成績(如,TOEIC、IELTS...等等),經助教審核後載入系統,方便日後查詢個人歷年外語檢定紀錄。 詳全文
A management system for student records on language proficiency examinations has been completed. Test results are entered to the system by teaching assistants. Students are able to review their records on foreign language proficiency examinations by logging to the Administrative System Portal.
休學離校申請系統開發完成上線,提供線上申請休學,並會提醒各類待辦事項,亦可隨時上網查詢申請單審核進度。 詳全文
A system for leave of absence and school leaving is online, which provides online application, to-do list, and status of application.