資訊中心新網站去年11月上線,首頁放置點選熱門服務的圖示,資訊服務選單頁面分類簡明,歡迎上線體驗,並給予回饋與建議。 詳全文
The renewed ITC website went officially online in November 2018。Hot services are showed on the homepage, with a menu bar of the brief information categories. You are welcome to visit the website, and your feedback is highly appreciated.
本部校區401與402電腦教室更新,購進HP PRODESK 400 G5 MT 機型,並裝有固態硬碟(SSD),開機速度大幅增快,且提昇軟體運作效能。詳全文
Computer Room 401 and 402 on the main campus have been upgraded with HP PRODESK 400 G5 MT and solid-state drive, which speed up the boot up times and enhance the efficiency of the software.
There are two zero-client computers with Windows Virtual Desktop installed in the corridor outside of the ITC on the Gongguan campus for students to use, with the freedom to eat and drink outside of the computer room.
學生安全回報系統已上線,提供安全回報定位功能。遇災害或特殊事件學校即時發送通知,方便學生回報及傳回所在位置。App亦有提供校園緊急連絡電話快速鍵,以利危急時刻快速連繫學校。 詳全文
A Student SOS Emergency System is online, which provides a function of safety check with GPS. An instant message will be delivered by the school when an emergency occurs, and students are able to report back their current position. The APP also provides a hot key for making a campus emergency call.
課程架構系統及學生修課檢視表上線,同學隨時可查看系所課程架構,並檢視個人修課狀況與系所設定的課程架構的符合程度,提前得知應修習學分數是否已達畢業門檻。本功能屆時將同步提供學生端修課檢視表。 詳全文
The curriculum framework and academic history are online. Students are able to check and see whether their academic history satisfies the curriculum framework of the department. Students are also allowed to confirm if they meet the graduation requirements beforehand.
因應本校國際學生比例漸升,學雜費系統新增日間學制(含大學、碩士、博士)之外籍生、僑生、 交換生、港澳生、陸生等身份,線上列印中英文版繳費單功能,提供友善且多元的服務。詳全文
In response to the growth in international students, different types of students, including foreign student, overseas Chinese student, exchange student, HK & Macao student, and Mainland Chinese student, are added to the online tuition and fees system for both full-time postgraduates and undergraduates. More functions are also added to the system for diverse and friendly services, such as the printing of an English or a Chinese payment form.
安裝使用資訊中心網路電話行動App服務 --「Q Call」,讓您的工作業務更便利....詳全文
By installing the Q Call APP, provided by the ITC, your communication need can be satisfied more easily.