youtube直播技術應用於教學,在電腦教室開直播可播放至學生端,類似廣播系統的功能。亦能同步錄下教學內容,提供學生上網課後複習或缺課學生補課。有興趣試用的教師,可向本中心索youtube老師共用帳號。 詳全文
Teachers can now set up Youtube live streaming in the computer Labs and record the content simultaneously. Students are able to watch immediately, or review the recording to make up missed classes. Teachers who are interested can ask for an Youtube shared account from ITC.
4月2日及3日校際活動日,本部校區8:00~17:00正常開放,公館及林口暫停開放。4月4日(星期三)至4月8日(星期日)暫停開放。 詳全文
April 2nd and 3rd are the University Events Days, computer labs will open on the main campus only from 8:00 to 17:00. All computer labs will be closed between April 4 and April 8th.
臺灣大學系統使用授權碼校際加選之系統功能,資訊中心已開發完成並於本學期上線實施。加退選期間,欲加選臺大或臺科大課程的同學經授課教師同意後取得該校選課授權碼,再輸入本校選課系統即可完成加選作業。 詳全文
The NTNU Course Selection System now accepts NTU and NTUST authorization code which allows NTNU students to complete cross-university class enrollment process.
新版Webmail 網路信箱已於107年3月1日全面上線,具有信箱帶著走、適用多樣設備、介面親和、操作容易、功能齊全及容量加倍等諸多優點, 歡迎尚未使用的師生同仁,立即上網使用。 詳全文
The latest version of Webmail is released on March 1, 2018. It is compatible with various devices, and equipped with a more user-friendly interface, more functions, and increased storage. Log in and experience it now.
資訊中心完成調整及擴充輔系雙主修系統功能,自本學年度起提供系所及審查老師直接於系統內下載成績單進行審查。無需學生列印成績單檢附,不僅簡化申請程序且節能省紙。 詳全文
ITC has upgraded the application system for applying a minor or double major. Since this academic year, applicant’s transcripts can be downloaded directly from the system by the reviewer, which streamlines the Application process and saves paper .
Computers in rooms 801 and 807 in Gongguan campus were updated during the summer of 2017. Now, equipped with both HDD and SSD, and a recovery system, the boot time is massively reduced and the performance of software increased.