變種勒索病毒 肆虐全球電腦
近來出現新變種勒索病毒WannaCry(WanaCrypt0r 2.0),透過windows漏洞攻擊,使用者一連上網路即可能遭受攻擊與感染,導致個人電腦或伺服主機檔案被加密遭受勒索。資訊中心提供自我檢測步驟及緊急防護措施<詳全文>。
Lately, there is a ransomware cryptoworm named WannaCry(WanaCrypt0r 2.0)which cyberattacks through loophole in Microsoft Window Operating System. Users may get attacked once connected online and their personal computers or servers encrypted with demand for ransom to get back those data. ITC provides self-check procedures and steps on how to protect yourself during the outbreak.