新學期新氣象      打造教室新風貌


The broadcasting system at Gongguan Campus is old and often breaks down. This affects a lot on teaching. Therefore, during the winter break, we plan to enhance the function for projector screen, replace the old projector with a new one and install a big screen LCDTV at both sides of the wall in computer room 801. In future, students are able to operate from personal computer while observing how teachers operate, by doing this, the learning effectiveness will be increased.

校務行政app加值   行動學務超便捷

號外!!號外!! 3月中旬校務行政入口app又有加值應用上線囉~ 「行動學務」讓學生事務隨手(機)就能搞定, 內容有請假、宿舍叫修、失物招領、輔導資料填寫、學雜費減免、優秀暨傑出學生等申請。<詳全文>

Great news! Administrative System Portal App has a new function effective from March. “Mobile school’s affair “allows students to settle issues like leave application, call for dormitory maintenance, lost and found issue, information submission for counseling session, deduction for school fees, academic excellence award application and etc.

本校網路電話App     外出行動響鈴LMK

網路電話App服務,方便師長於出差出國期間的行動管理。只要下載網路電話Cisco Jabber行動App,個人手機會與辦公室桌機同步響鈴,公務電話不漏接之外,亦可透過App直撥校內分機或是手機通訊錄電話。歡迎師長於出國或出差前申請短期使用帳號 。<詳全文>

Internet phone service App brings convenience to teachers when they are on business trip. Just download internet phone App “Cisco Jabber”, your personal mobile phone will be synchronized with office phone and ring at the same time. This App is not only preventing you from missing a business call, but also helps you to dial directly to school’s extension number or number in your mobile phone directory. We welcome teachers to apply for temporary account before going abroad or before the business trip.

單位印表機遭駭     英文勒索信件詐財

We received complaint from many departments regarding the malfunction of internet printer lately. The internet printer will print out error code automatically and even threatening letter and blackmail letter. After investigation, we found out that the security setting on printer is not complete. For example, using the pre-setting password or no password set. Besides that, there’s no setting on firewall to stop the internet connection from outside. Without these settings, hackers will therefore able to send blackmail letter remotely.

NTNU無線網路密碼       eduroam世界跨校通行


By setting a password for ntnu_roaming in campus, teachers and students in NTNU are not only able to enjoy campus Wi-Fi roaming, but also extents the access internationally with the implementation of “eduroam program”. In future, you can just use your ntnu_roaming password to access to the Wi-Fi connection domestically or internationally from service providers participated in “eduroam program”.